회원 로그인
정보기억 정보기억에 체크할 경우 다음접속시 아이디와 패스워드를 입력하지 않으셔도 됩니다.
그러나, 개인PC가 아닐 경우 타인이 로그인할 수 있습니다.
PC를 여러사람이 사용하는 공공장소에서는 체크하지 마세요.
소셜네트워크 서비스를 통해서 로그인하시면 별도의 로그인 절차없이 회원서비스를 이용하실 수 있습니다.


nvtvazc | 2021.10.04 05:00 | 조회 635
정원 관련 외국서적을 도서관에 신청했는데 다음 서적들입니다. 이중 입수라고 표시되어 있는 것은 들어왔고 나머지는 곧 들어올 예정입니다.

많이 이용하십시요.


1. The American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers
Christopher Brickell/DK ADULT/2002/US$60/입수

2. American Horticultural Society A to Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants
Christopher Brickell/DK ADULT/2004/US$80/입수

3. Encyclopedia of Perennials (American Horticultural Society)
Graham Rice/DK ADULT/2006/US$40/입수

4. The Encyclopedia of Grasses for Livable Landscapes
Rick Darke/Timber Press/2007/US$60/입수

5. Encyclopedia of Garden Ferns
Sue Olsen/Timber Press/2007/US$60     

6. The Complete Garden Flower Book: Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs, Shrubs, Climbers
Catie Ziller/Murdoch Books/2002/US$20     

7. An Encyclopedia of Shade Perennials
W. George/Schmid Timber Press, Incorporated/2002/US$50     


1. Garden Design
Brookes/DK Publishing/2009/US$40/입수

2. Vertical Gardens
Anna Lambertini/Thames & Hudson/2007/US$65/입수

3. 1000 Garden Ideas
Stafford Cliff/Quadrille Publishing Ltd/2009/US$24     

4. The Book of Garden Plans
Wilson, Andrew/Mitchell Beazley/2008/US$40/입수

5. The Ultimate Garden Designer: New Edition
Tim Newbury/Cassell/2002/US$20     

6. Small Space Gardens
David Stevens/Collins Design/2006/US$20     

7. Small Gardens for Modern Living
The Sunday Times/Hamlyn/2003/US$31     

8. Really Small Gardens: A Practical Guide to Gardening in a Truly Small Space (Rhs)    
Jill Billington/Quadrille Publishing Ltd/2002/US$23     

9. Truly Tiny Gardens
Australian Women`s Weekly/A C P Pub Pty Ltd/2000/US$9     

10. Essential Garden Planning & Construction
Christopher Brickell/Mitchell Beazley/2006/US$25/입수

11. Garden Design
Brookes/DK Publishing/2009/US$40/입수


1. Interiorscapes: Planning, Graphics, and Design
Gregory M. Pierceall/Prentice-Hall. U.S.A/1987/US$55     

2. Interior Landscape Design
Nelson Hammer/Mcgraw-Hill/1992/US$65

3. Interiorscapes: Gardens Within Buildings
Paul Cooper/Mitchell Beazley/2003/US$40/입수
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